Laser Therapy
Although cumulative skin damage is generally considered a basic, undeniable force of nature, recent technological developments suggest that a host of skin issues including aging, sun damage, and scarring may be more manageable than once thought. read more |
What Are Peptides?
New skin care products and ingredients are introduced to women constantly. The surplus of new and innovative information seems never-ending, and which can become overwhelming and difficult for many of us to understand. read more |
Facial Injections
In the United States, people of all ages have flocked to the plastic surgeons office in hopes of erasing wrinkles and achieving a smoother, more attractive look. read more |
Ingredient Profile: SYN®-AKE
For a product to be a true “Botox® alternative,” it has to have more advanced, specialized ingredients than most wrinkle creams on the market. It has to have a relaxing agent that helps inhibit the muscle contractions that ultimately cause wrinkles. read more |
What Are Antioxidants?
Even after the massive amount of research that‘s gone into the science of aging, the fight against wrinkles, photo-aging, dark spots, and sagging skin can still feel like a mystery without a real solution. read more |